This is Miare's Third-Party API, designed to enable registered Miare users to integrate our delivery services into their applications.
This document walks you through the steps required to use Miare's services and endpoints. If you need any further information about how Miare works or you are still not sure whether or not our services meet your needs, feel free to check out our website or contact us at
To use our services, you need to first have an API account. An API account is a specific type of account that can access our Third-Party endpoints and receive our event callbacks.
In order to create an account and discuss the basic terms and financial details of our services, you can reach our sales team at 02191009282 Ext. 3, they will provide us with the required information to create your account. After registration, you'll be given a string called Token.
A registered user who can use Miare's delivery service.
A biker from our pool of bikers who can deliver packages from sources to destinations. In Miare, bikers don't pick and choose what packages they deliver. Instead, each order is automatically assigned to one of the available couriers based on their distance from the source and many other parameters.
An order given by one of our clients for one or more packages to be delivered. A trip can have one and only one source but multiple destinations (and multiple packages to be delivered at those destinations). Our clients may also indicate that they wish the courier to return to the source at the end of the trip.
Trip States
Each trip can be in only one the following states at any given time
Name | Description |
assign_queue | Trip is created but no courier has been assigned to it yet |
pickup | Trip is assigned to a courier and the courier is on his way to pickup packages from the source |
dropoff | Trip is picked up by the courier and he is on his way to deliver the packages |
delivered | All of the packages of the trip are delivered (and if trip was a round trip, courier has returned to the source) |
canceled_by_miare | Trip is canceled by our support staff. This only happens with source's aggrement or due to a violation of terms of service |
returning | When the trip is a round trip and it is returning to the source. |
canceled_by_delay | Trip has been cancelled by Miare due to fulfillment delay from your side |
canceled_by_client | Trip is canceled by client (either from the web panel or Third Party API) |
A destination and a package to be delivered at that destination. Each trip can have one or more courses. As an example, if a trip has two courses, our courier will drive to the source, pick up two packages, and deliver them to two separate customers in two different destinations.
Part of the city defined by a set of latitude-longitudes forming a polygon that Miare operates in it. If source of a trip is inside an area, that trip is considered part of trips of that specific area.
A period of time in each day defined by a start and an end time. If deadline of a trip is within a shift, that trip is considered part of trips of that specific shift.
Start and end time of shifts area as follows:
name | start | end |
morning | 08:15 | 11:00 |
noon | 11:00 | 17:30 |
night | 17:30 | 23:30 |
midnight | 23:30 | 03:00 |
The maximum number of active trips in each area during each shift for a client. If the concurrency limit for a client is reached that is if the total number of its active trips is equal to its concurrency limit, the next attempts to create new trips will fail. Canceling a trip (by client) or ending it will free up a concurrency limit (by moving the trip out of the active trips list).
Boosting a trip prioritizes it in the assignment queue, increasing its probability of being offered to available couriers, and it enhances acceptance likelihood due to a higher price. Use this feature to improve delivery chances or accommodate special delivery needs, such as fragile items.
Please note that boost levels are dynamic and is set by the commercial team, though changes are infrequent. So it's necessary to fetch them periodically from it's list endpoint.
Due to the nature of the problem that boosting is intended to solve, once a courier picks up an order, you cannot change the boost level. Increasing, decreasing, or cancelling the boost is restricted post-pick-up because the courier has accepted based on the boosted price. However, any modifications could be made prior to pick-up.
An operational problem that is reported or detected on a trip.
Issue States
Each issue can be in only one the following states at any given time
Name | Description |
reported | Issue is created but no staff has picked the issue to follow |
picked | Issue is picked by a staff and is investigating it |
resolved | Issue is resolved by one of the user types |
Miare has two sets of servers.
Sandbox servers -usually referred to as Staging- are the playground for development teams to test integration of their application with ours. In the staging servers, your account will be given 10 concurrencies in each of our areas and all trips are free of charge.
Main servers -usually referred to as Production- are the main product's servers for real-world use. In production servers, your concurrency should be purchased through the sales team and trips have normal rates applied to them.
Each client has a specific API key called Token for each of our servers. The token is the sole representative of an account on a server as well as its trips, courses, and financial transactions. The sales team will provide you with the staging token after the registration process and the production token after the test process.
To authorize, pass the authorization token among headers and prefix it with
curl "api_endpoint_here" \
--header "Authorization: Token <Your Token>"
import requests
headers={"Authorization": "Token <Your Token>"}
Make sure to replace
<Your Token>
with your API Token.
Maire uses API Tokens to allow access to the API.
Miare API expects for the token to be included in ALL API requests to the server in
an Authorization
header that
looks like the following:
Authorization: Token <Your Token>
All application level error of our API are in the following format:
{"code": "constant_error_code", "detail": "Variable human readable details"}
The code
value is the main indicator of what went wrong. You can use it in a switch-case
statement to determine the
type of error.
The detail
value is human readable details of what went wrong which is suitable for developers
(not users).
Base URL of staging servers for delivery services:
base_url = ""
Base URL of production servers for delivery services:
base_url = ""
Services related to creation and management of trips and courses.
Create Trip
Creates a new trip and puts it in the assign queue.
Request example:
curl --location --request POST "$BASE_URL/trips/" \
--header 'Authorization: Token <Your Token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"pickup": {
"name": "رستوران بزرگمهر",
"phone_number": "09123456789",
"address": "تهران، صادقیه، بلوار آیت الله کاشانی",
"image": "",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.737004,
"longitude": 51.413569
"deadline": "2021-11-01T17:12:00+0330"
"courses": [
"bill_number": "DEL-119",
"name": "علی علوی",
"phone_number": "09123456789",
"address": "تهران، خیابان استاد معین، پلاک ۱۲",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.737004,
"longitude": 51.413569
"manifest_items": [
"name": "پیتزا پپرونی خانواده",
"quantity": 2
"boost": {
"level": 1
import requests
data = {
"pickup": {
"name": "رستوران بزرگمهر",
"phone_number": "09123456789",
"address": "تهران، صادقیه، بلوار آیت الله کاشانی",
"image": "",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.737004,
"longitude": 51.413569
"deadline": "2021-11-01T17:12:00+0000"
"courses": [
"bill_number": "DEL-119",
"name": "علی علوی",
"phone_number": "09123456789",
"address": "تهران، خیابان استاد معین، پلاک ۱۲",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.737004,
"longitude": 51.413569
"manifest_items": [
"name": "پیتزا پپرونی خانواده",
"quantity": 2
"boost": {
"level": 1
base_url + "/trips/",
headers={"Authorization": "Token <Your Token>"},
If you are getting the a
Deadline: (value_in_past)
error, make sure to update thepickup.deadline
to a time in the future.
HTTP Request
POST /trips/
Value | Type | Description |
pickup | object | The source of the trip | | string | The human readable name of the pickup |
pickup.phone_number | string | The phone number associated with the source which will be used by courier and support staffs in order to contact to pickup if necessary |
pickup.address | string | The human readable address of the source, preferably down to every necessary detail for a human to find the source quickly |
pickup.image | string [uri] | A valid URL which points to an image file which should be the logo of the pickup. This image will be used in both support panel, and courier’s application. Make sure that the URL is both reachable and is configured to allow CORS requests |
pickup.location | object | The exact location of the pickup |
pickup.location.latitude | number [double] | The latitude of the pickup location |
pickup.location.longitude | number [double] | The longitude of the pickup location |
pickup.deadline | string [date-time] | The time that you expect the courier to arrive at the pickup, so optimally it should be the time package content is ready and packaged. Can't be in the past |
courses | array | List of destinations of the trips |
courses.bill_number | string | An string field left for you to store sort of a human readable bill number in it which will be used as a reference point among our support team, you and the pickup staffs | | string | Name of the dropp-off |
courses.phone_number | string | The phone number associated with the drop-off which will be used by courier and support staffs in order to contact to them if necessary |
coureses.address | string | The human readable drop-off address, preferably down to every necessary detail for a human to find it quickly |
courses.location | object | The exact location of the drop-off. |
courses.location.latitude | number [double] | The latitude of the drop-off location |
courses.location.longitude | number [double] | The longitude of the drop-off location |
courses.manifest_items | array (Optional) | The contents of the package to be delivered to the drop-off | | string | Human readable name of the content which will be verified by courier |
courses.manifest_items.quantity | string | The quantity of the item |
course.payment | object (Optional) | The payment information of the course |
course.payment.payment_type | string (Optional) | The selected method for this course's payment. At this moment the only available method for API users is cash |
course.payment.price | string | The price of the package content (not to be confused with delivery cost). |
boost | object (Optional) | Boost the price of the trip to increase the priority in the assign queue & probability of acceptance of the trip by the courier. |
boost.level | int | Level of the boosting. Should be one of the levels in the current levels. null would have no effect for backward compatibility. special value of 0 would cancel the boost. |
boost.amount | int (Optional) | Amount of the increase in the price that is applied for the requested level. amount will be ignored in the requests & updates and is just used in the responses from the server. |
Response example:
"id": "b3951922-4f3e-43dc-a051-a9b765b2cbe7",
"is_round_trip": false,
"created_at": "2021-11-01T16:59:00+0330",
"assigned_at": "2021-11-01T17:00:00+0330",
"arrived_at": "2021-11-01T17:02:00+0330",
"picked_up_at": "2021-11-01T17:04:00+0330",
"departed_at": "2021-11-01T17:06:00+0330",
"state": "dropoff",
"pickup": {
"address": "تهران، صادقیه، بلوار آیت الله کاشانی",
"deadline": "2021-11-01T20:42:00+0330",
"image": "",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.737004,
"longitude": 51.413569
"name": "رستوران بزرگمهر",
"phone_number": "09123456789"
"area": {
"id": "3",
"name": "یوسف آباد"
"devlivery_cost": null,
"courier": {
"image": "",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.753691,
"longitude": 51.332284
"location_updated_at": "2021-11-01T19:10:13+0330",
"name": "علی لطفی",
"phone_number": "09379187928"
"courses": [
"id": "7484f530-5e3e-491d-8a4a-9432f6db01d6",
"trip_id": "b3951922-4f3e-43dc-a051-a9b765b2cbe7",
"old_trip_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"bill_number": "DEL-119",
"name": "علی علوی",
"address": "تهران، خیابان استاد معین، پلاک ۱۲",
"dropped_off_at": null,
"phone_number": "09123456789",
"tracking_url": "!/7484f5305e",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.737004,
"longitude": 51.413569
"manifest_items": [
"name": "پیتزا پپرونی خانواده",
"quantity": 2
"payment": {
"payment_type": "cash",
"price": 0
"boost": {
"level": 1,
"amount": 1000
Value | Type | Description |
id | string | Universally unique identifier of this trip |
is_round_trip | boolean | The is_round_trip determines that a trip is a round trip or not |
created_at | string [date-time] | The exact time this trip was created on our servers |
assigned_at | string [date-time] (nullable) | The assign datetime of the time this trip was assigned to its courier. Will be null if trip is not assigned to a courier yet |
arrived_at | string [date-time] (nullable) | The datetime that the courier of the trip arrived to the source. Will be null if courier has not assigned or has not arrived to the pickup location |
picked_up_at | string [date-time] (nullable) | The datetime that the courier of the trip picked up its content from the source. Will be null if courier is not assigned or is not picked up packages yet |
departed_at | string [date-time] (nullable) | The datetime that the courier of the trip has left the pickup location. Will be null if courier is not assigned or has not left the pickup location yet |
state | string | The current state of the trip. Is one of the following values: "assign_queue" "pickup" "dropoff" "delivered" "canceled_by_miare" "returning" "canceled_by_delay" "canceled_by_client" . You can find a description about each of these states here |
pickup | object | The source of the trip | | string | The human readable name of the pickup |
pickup.phone_number | string | The phone number associated with the source which will be used by courier and support staffs in order to contact to pickup if necessary |
pickup.address | string | The human readable address of the source, preferably down to every necessary detail for a human to find the source quickly |
pickup.image | string [uri] | A valid URL which points to an image file which should be the logo of the pickup. This image will be used in both support panel, and courier’s application. Make sure that the URL is both reachable and is configured to allow CORS requests |
pickup.location | object | The exact location of the pickup |
pickup.location.latitude | number [double] | The latitude of the pickup location |
pickup.location.longitude | number [double] | The longitude of the pickup location |
pickup.deadline | string [date-time] | The time that you expect the courier to arrive at the pickup, so optimally it should be the time package content is ready and packaged. Can't be in the past |
courses | array | List of destinations of the trips | | string | Universally unique identifier of this course |
course.trip_id | string | Universally unique identifier of the trip that this course belongs to it |
course.old_trip_id | string | The trip id of the trip before batching. Will be zero value if batching has not been occurred |
courses.bill_number | string | An string field left for you to store sort of a human readable bill number in it which will be used as a reference point among our support team, you and the pickup staffs | | string | Name of the dropp-off |
courses.phone_number | string | The phone number associated with the drop-off which will be used by courier and support staffs in order to contact to them if necessary |
coureses.address | string | The human readable drop-off address, preferably down to every necessary detail for a human to find it quickly |
courses.location | object (nullable) | The exact location of the pickup. If there is no provided drop-off location, the courier will find the location based on the address and accounting calculations will be based on that location |
courses.location.latitude | number [double] | The latitude of the drop-off location |
courses.location.longitude | number [double] | The longitude of the drop-off location |
courses.manifest_items | array (nullable) | The contents of the package to be delivered to the drop-off | | string | Human readable name of the content which will be verified by courier |
courses.manifest_items.quantity | string | The quanitiy of the item |
course.tracking_url | string [uri] | The URL of a webpage in which the end customer can track the exact state and location of his/her package while it's being delivered |
course.dropped_off_at | string [date-time] (nullable) | The exact time this course we delivered to the customer. It will be null if the course is not delivered yet |
course.payment | object | The payment information of the course |
course.payment.payment_type | string | The selected method for this course's payment. At this moment the only available method for API users is cash |
course.payment.price | string | The price of the package content (not to be confused with delivery cost). |
area | object | The detected area of the trip (based on pickup.location) | | string | The identifier of this trip's area | | string | Human readable name of this trip's area |
delivery_cost | integer (nullable) | The final cost of a Trip Delivery. It will be null until trip is not delivered |
courier | object (nullable) | Courier of this trip. Will be null if trip is not assigned to a courier yet | | string | Name of the courier |
courier.phone_number | string | Phone number of the courier |
courier.image | string [uri] | The URL of courier's profile picture |
courier.location | object | Last known location of the courier |
courier.location.latitude | number [double] | Latitude of the last known location of the courier |
courier.location.longitude | number [double] | Longitude of the last known location of the courier |
courier.location_updated_at | string [date-time] | Datetime of the last location of the courier |
boost | object | The boost in the trip's price increases its priority in the assignment queue and enhances the likelihood of acceptance by the courier. |
boost.level | int | Level of the boosting. Would be one of the levels in the current valid levels. The special value of 0 indicates no boost. |
boost.amount | int | Amount of the increase in the price that is applied for the requested level. |
Code | Description |
not_authenticated | Token is missing or invalid |
parse_error | The request body is not a valid JSON string (has syntax error) |
invalid_request_body | Request body does not follow the valid format |
concurrency_limit | Client does not have enough concurrency in the area of the pickup location in the shift specified by deadline |
service_level_order | Based on the current environmental state, your service level is too low to receive services from Miare. Service limitation error mostly happens due to whether conditions or special occasions. In order to increase your service level or if you need more details about this limitation please contant sales team. |
duplicated_bill_number | There is already a course related to trip with states of (assign_queue , pickup , dropoff ) with this bill number. |
invalid_boost_level | This level is not among the current valid levels. Refer to the valid boost levels. |
boosting_cant_be_changed | No changes to boosting are allowed once the order has been picked up. |
Cancel Trip
Cancels one of your trips indicated by its ID.
Request example:
TRIP_ID="<Trip ID>"
curl --location --request POST "$BASE_URL/trips/$TRIP_ID/cancel/" \
--header 'Authorization: Token <Your Token>'
import requests
trip_id = "<Trip ID>"
headers={"Authorization": "Token <Your Token>"},
HTTP Request
POST /trips/{trip_id}/cancel/
Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
trip_id | string | The ID of the trip to cancel |
Response example:
"created_at": "2021-11-01T16:59:00+0330",
"id": "b3951922-4f3e-43dc-a051-a9b765b2cbe7",
"is_round_trip": false,
"state": "canceled_by_client",
"picked_up_at": null,
"assigned_at": null,
"arrived_at": null,
"departed_at": null,
"area": {
"id": "3",
"name": "یوسف آباد"
"delivery_cost": null,
"courier": null,
"pickup": {
"address": "تهران، صادقیه، بلوار آیت الله کاشانی",
"deadline": "2021-11-01T20:42:00+0330",
"image": "",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.737004,
"longitude": 51.413569
"name": "رستوران بزرگمهر",
"phone_number": "09123456789"
"courses": [
"address": "تهران، خیابان استاد معین، پلاک ۱۲",
"bill_number": "DEL-119",
"dropped_off_at": null,
"id": "7484f530-5e3e-491d-8a4a-9432f6db01d6",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.737004,
"longitude": 51.413569
"manifest_items": [
"name": "پیتزا پپرونی خانواده",
"quantity": 2
"name": "test name",
"payment": {
"payment_type": "cash",
"price": 0
"phone_number": "09123456789",
"tracking_url": "!/7484f5305e",
"trip_id": "b3951922-4f3e-43dc-a051-a9b765b2cbe7",
"old_trip_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
"boost": {
"level": 1,
"amount": 1000
Response body is a serialized trip. For a detailed version of it take a look at the response body of Create Trip request.
Code | Description |
not_authenticated | Token is missing or invalid |
parse_error | The request body is not a valid JSON string (has syntax error) |
invalid_request_body | Request body does not follow the valid format |
record_not_found | A trip with the given ID does not belong to your client or doesn't exist at all |
canceling_after_deadline | The trip has been in assigned state for more than 30 seconds |
canceling_arrived_trip | The trip's courier is already at the source location |
canceling_ended_trip | The trip is already ended (delivered) |
invalid_state_change | Changing the trip's state from its current state to canceled is not possible |
Round Trip
Change state of trip to "returning" indicated by its ID.
Request example:
TRIP_ID="<Trip ID>"
curl --location --request POST "$BASE_URL/trips/$TRIP_ID/round-trip/" \
--header 'Authorization: Token <Your Token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"is_round_trip": "true",
import requests
trip_id = "<Trip ID>"
data = {
"is_round_trip": True
headers={"Authorization": "Token <Your Token>"},
HTTP Request
POST /trips/{trip_id}/round-trip/
Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
trip_id | string | The ID of the trip to round |
Value | Type | Description |
is_round_trip | boolean | for convert trip to round trip set it to true. otherwise set it to false |
Response example:
"created_at": "2021-11-01T16:59:00+0330",
"id": "b3951922-4f3e-43dc-a051-a9b765b2cbe7",
"state": "returning",
"is_round_trip": true,
"picked_up_at": null,
"assigned_at": null,
"arrived_at": null,
"departed_at": null,
"area": {
"id": "3",
"name": "یوسف آباد"
"delivery_cost": null,
"courier": null,
"pickup": {
"address": "تهران، صادقیه، بلوار آیت الله کاشانی",
"deadline": "2021-11-01T20:42:00+0330",
"image": "",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.737004,
"longitude": 51.413569
"name": "رستوران بزرگمهر",
"phone_number": "09123456789"
"courses": [
"address": "تهران، خیابان استاد معین، پلاک ۱۲",
"bill_number": "DEL-119",
"dropped_off_at": null,
"id": "7484f530-5e3e-491d-8a4a-9432f6db01d6",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.737004,
"longitude": 51.413569
"manifest_items": [
"name": "پیتزا پپرونی خانواده",
"quantity": 2
"name": "test name",
"payment": {
"payment_type": "cash",
"price": 0
"phone_number": "09123456789",
"tracking_url": "!/7484f5305e",
"trip_id": "b3951922-4f3e-43dc-a051-a9b765b2cbe7",
"old_trip_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
"boost": {
"level": 1,
"amount": 1000
Response body is a serialized trip. For a detailed version of it take a look at the response body of Create Trip request.
Code | Description |
not_authenticated | Token is missing or invalid |
parse_error | The request body is not a valid JSON string (has syntax error) |
invalid_request_body | Request body does not follow the valid format |
record_not_found | A trip with the given ID does not belong to your client or doesn't exist at all |
invalid_state_change | Changing the trip's state from its current state to "returning" is not possible. |
Update Trip
Updates an existing trip and it's courses.
Request example:
TRIP_ID="<Trip ID>"
curl --location --request PUT "$BASE_URL/trips/$TRIP_ID/ \
--header 'Authorization: Token <Your Token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"pickup": {
"name": "رستوران بزرگمهر",
"phone_number": "09123456789",
"address": "تهران، صادقیه، بلوار آیت الله کاشانی",
"image": "",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.737004,
"longitude": 51.413569
"deadline": "2021-11-01T17:12:00+0000"
"courses": [
"bill_number": "DEL-119",
"name": "علی علوی",
"phone_number": "09123456789",
"address": "تهران، خیابان استاد معین، پلاک ۱۲",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.737004,
"longitude": 51.413569
"manifest_items": [
"name": "پیتزا پپرونی خانواده",
"quantity": 2
"boost": {
"level": 1
import requests
trip_id = "<Trip ID>"
data = {
"pickup": {
"name": "رستوران بزرگمهر",
"phone_number": "09123456789",
"address": "تهران، صادقیه، بلوار آیت الله کاشانی",
"image": "",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.737004,
"longitude": 51.413569
"deadline": "2021-11-01T17:12:00+0000"
"courses": [
"bill_number": "DEL-119",
"name": "علی علوی",
"phone_number": "09123456789",
"address": "تهران، خیابان استاد معین، پلاک ۱۲",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.737004,
"longitude": 51.413569
"manifest_items": [
"name": "پیتزا پپرونی خانواده",
"quantity": 2
"boost": {
"level": 1
base_url + "/trips/{trip_id}/",
headers={"Authorization": "Token <Your Token>"},
If you are getting the a
Deadline: (value_in_past)
error, make sure to update thepickup.deadline
to a time in the future.
HTTP Request
PUT /trips/{trip_id}/
Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
trip_id | string | The ID of the trip to update |
Value | Type | Description |
pickup | object | The source of the trip | | string | The human readable name of the pickup |
pickup.phone_number | string | The phone number associated with the source which will be used by courier and support staffs in order to contact to pickup if necessary |
pickup.address | string | The human readable address of the source, preferably down to every necessary detail for a human to find the source quickly |
pickup.image | string [uri] | A valid URL which points to an image file which should be the logo of the pickup. This image will be used in both support panel, and courier’s application. Make sure that the URL is both reachable and is configured to allow CORS requests |
pickup.location | object | The exact location of the pickup |
pickup.location.latitude | number [double] | The latitude of the pickup location |
pickup.location.longitude | number [double] | The longitude of the pickup location |
pickup.deadline | string [date-time] | The time that you expect the courier to arrive at the pickup, so optimally it should be the time package content is ready and packaged. Can't be in the past |
courses | array | List of destinations of the trips |
courses.bill_number | string | An string field left for you to store sort of a human readable bill number in it which will be used as a reference point among our support team, you and the pickup staffs | | string | Name of the dropp-off |
courses.phone_number | string | The phone number associated with the drop-off which will be used by courier and support staffs in order to contact to them if necessary |
coureses.address | string | The human readable drop-off address, preferably down to every necessary detail for a human to find it quickly |
courses.location | object | The exact location of the drop-off. |
courses.location.latitude | number [double] | The latitude of the drop-off location |
courses.location.longitude | number [double] | The longitude of the drop-off location |
courses.manifest_items | array (Optional) | The contents of the package to be delivered to the drop-off | | string | Human readable name of the content which will be verified by courier |
courses.manifest_items.quantity | string | The quantity of the item |
boost | object (Optional) | Boost the price of the trip to increase the priority in the assign queue & probability of acceptance of the trip by the courier. |
boost.level | int | Level of the boosting. Should be one of the levels in the current levels. null would have no effect for backward compatibility. special value of 0 would cancel the boost. |
boost.amount | int (Optional) | Amount of the increase in the price that is applied for the requested level. amount will be ignored in the requests & updates and is just used in the responses from the server. |
Response example:
"id": "b3951922-4f3e-43dc-a051-a9b765b2cbe7",
"is_round_trip": false,
"created_at": "2021-11-01T16:59:00+0330",
"assigned_at": "2021-11-01T17:00:00+0330",
"arrived_at": "2021-11-01T17:02:00+0330",
"picked_up_at": "2021-11-01T17:04:00+0330",
"departed_at": "2021-11-01T17:06:00+0330",
"state": "dropoff",
"pickup": {
"address": "تهران، صادقیه، بلوار آیت الله کاشانی",
"deadline": "2021-11-01T20:42:00+0330",
"image": "",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.737004,
"longitude": 51.413569
"name": "رستوران بزرگمهر",
"phone_number": "09123456789"
"area": {
"id": "3",
"name": "یوسف آباد"
"devlivery_cost": null,
"courier": {
"image": "",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.753691,
"longitude": 51.332284
"location_updated_at": "2021-11-01T19:10:13+0330",
"name": "علی لطفی",
"phone_number": "09379187928"
"courses": [
"id": "7484f530-5e3e-491d-8a4a-9432f6db01d6",
"trip_id": "b3951922-4f3e-43dc-a051-a9b765b2cbe7",
"old_trip_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"bill_number": "DEL-119",
"name": "علی علوی",
"address": "تهران، خیابان استاد معین، پلاک ۱۲",
"dropped_off_at": null,
"phone_number": "09123456789",
"tracking_url": "!/7484f5305e",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.737004,
"longitude": 51.413569
"manifest_items": [
"name": "پیتزا پپرونی خانواده",
"quantity": 2
"payment": {
"payment_type": "cash",
"price": 0
"boost": {
"level": 1,
"amount": 1000
Response body is a serialized trip. For a detailed version of it take a look at the response body of Create Trip request.
Code | Description |
not_authenticated | Token is missing or invalid |
parse_error | The request body is not a valid JSON string (has syntax error) |
invalid_request_body | Request body does not follow the valid format |
record_not_found | A trip with the given ID does not belong to your client or doesn't exist at all |
too_late | Trip's state is later than pickup |
duplicated_bill_number | There is already a course related to trip with states of (assign_queue , pickup , dropoff ) with this bill number |
invalid_boost_level | This level is not among the current valid levels. Refer to the valid boost levels. |
boosting_cant_be_changed | No changes to boosting are allowed once the order has been picked up. |
Add Course
Adds a new course to the courses of a trip.
Request example:
import requests
trip_id = "<Trip ID>"
headers={"Authorization": "Token <Your Token>"},
TRIP_ID="<Trip ID>"
curl --location --request PATCH "$BASE_URL/trips/$TRIP_ID/courses" \
--header 'Authorization: Token <Your Token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"bill_number": "DEL-120",
"name": "علی علوی",
"phone_number": "09123456789",
"address": "تهران، خیابان استاد معین، پلاک ۱۲",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.737004,
"longitude": 51.413569
"manifest_items": [
"name": "پیتزا پپرونی خانواده",
"quantity": 2
import requests
data = {
"bill_number": "DEL-120",
"name": "علی علوی",
"phone_number": "09123456789",
"address": "تهران، خیابان استاد معین، پلاک ۱۲",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.737004,
"longitude": 51.413569
"manifest_items": [
"name": "پیتزا پپرونی خانواده",
"quantity": 2
headers={"Authorization": "Token <Your Token>"},
HTTP Request
PATCH /trips/{trip_id}/courses/
Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
trip_id | string | The ID of the trip to add a course to |
Value | Type | Description |
bill_number | string | An string field left for you to store sort of a human readable bill number in it which will be used as a reference point among our support team, you and the pickup staffs |
name | string | Name of the dropp-off |
phone_number | string | The phone number associated with the drop-off which will be used by courier and support staffs in order to contact to them if necessary |
address | string | The human readable drop-off address, preferably down to every necessary detail for a human to find it quickly |
location | object (Optional) | The exact location of the pickup. If there is no provided drop-off location, the courier will find the location based on the address and accounting calculations will be based on that location |
location.latitude | number [double] | The latitude of the drop-off location |
location.longitude | number [double] | The longitude of the drop-off location |
manifest_items | array (Optional) | The contents of the package to be delivered to the drop-off | | string | Human readable name of the content which will be verified by courier |
manifest_items.quantity | string | The quantity of the item |
Response example:
"id": "8e209688-19c9-4982-a755-517408b6a29f",
"created_at": "2021-11-01T18:44:19+0330",
"picked_up_at": null,
"state": "assign_queue",
"assigned_at": null,
"arrived_at": null,
"departed_at": null,
"delivery_cost": null,
"courier": null,
"pickup": {
"address": "تهران، صادقیه، بلوار آیت الله کاشانی",
"deadline": "2021-11-01T20:42:00+0330",
"image": "",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.737004,
"longitude": 51.413569
"name": "رستوران بزرگمهر",
"phone_number": "09123456789"
"area": {
"id": "3",
"name": "یوسف آباد"
"courses": [
"address": "تهران، خیابان استاد معین، پلاک ۱۲",
"bill_number": "DEL-120",
"dropped_off_at": null,
"id": "c57cb6bc-e1c2-404a-a0d2-a54881fe96ec",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.737004,
"longitude": 51.413569
"manifest_items": [
"name": "پیتزا پپرونی خانواده",
"quantity": 2
"name": "علی علوی",
"payment": {
"payment_type": "cash",
"price": 0
"phone_number": "09123456789",
"tracking_url": "!/c57cb6bce1",
"trip_id": "8e209688-19c9-4982-a755-517408b6a29f",
"old_trip_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
"boost": {
"level": 1,
"amount": 1000
Response body is a serialized trip. For a detailed version of it take a look at the response body of Create Trip request.
Code | Description |
not_authenticated | Token is missing or invalid |
parse_error | The request body is not a valid JSON string (has syntax error) |
invalid_request_body | Request body does not follow the valid format |
record_not_found | A trip with the given ID does not belong to your client or doesn't exist at all |
too_late | Trip's state is later than pickup |
duplicated_bill_number | There is already a course related to trip with states of (assign_queue , pickup , dropoff ) with this bill number |
Remove Course
Removes the course indicated by the given ID from the courses of its trip.
Request example:
COURSE_ID="<Course ID>"
curl --location --request DELETE "$BASE_URL/courses/$COURSE_ID/" \
--header 'Authorization: Token <Your Token>'
import requests
course_id = '<Course ID>'
headers={"Authorization": "Token <Your Token>"},
HTTP Request
DELETE /courses/{course_id}/
Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
course_id | string | The ID of the course to delete |
Response example:
"created_at": "2021-11-01T16:59:00+0330",
"id": "b3951922-4f3e-43dc-a051-a9b765b2cbe7",
"state": "canceled_by_client",
"picked_up_at": null,
"assigned_at": null,
"arrived_at": null,
"departed_at": null,
"area": {
"id": "3",
"name": "یوسف آباد"
"delivery_cost": null,
"courier": null,
"pickup": {
"address": "تهران، صادقیه، بلوار آیت الله کاشانی",
"deadline": "2021-11-01T20:42:00+0330",
"image": "",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.737004,
"longitude": 51.413569
"name": "رستوران بزرگمهر",
"phone_number": "09123456789"
"courses": [
"address": "تهران، خیابان استاد معین، پلاک ۱۲",
"bill_number": "DEL-119",
"dropped_off_at": null,
"id": "7484f530-5e3e-491d-8a4a-9432f6db01d6",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.737004,
"longitude": 51.413569
"manifest_items": [
"name": "پیتزا پپرونی خانواده",
"quantity": 2
"name": "test name",
"payment": {
"payment_type": "cash",
"price": 0
"phone_number": "09123456789",
"tracking_url": "!/7484f5305e",
"trip_id": "b3951922-4f3e-43dc-a051-a9b765b2cbe7",
"old_trip_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
"boost": {
"level": 1,
"amount": 1000
Response body is a serialized trip. For a detailed version of it take a look at the response body of Create Trip request.
Code | Description |
not_authenticated | Token is missing or invalid |
parse_error | The request body is not a valid JSON string (has syntax error) |
invalid_request_body | Request body does not follow the valid format |
record_not_found | A course with the given ID does not belong to your client or doesn't exist at all |
single_course | The course belongs to a trip that has only one course |
Get Trip
Returns information about one of your trips indicated by its ID.
Request example:
TRIP_ID="<Trip ID>"
curl --location --request GET "$BASE_URL/trips/$TRIP_ID/" \
--header 'Authorization: Token <Your Token>'
import requests
trip_id = "<Trip ID>"
headers={"Authorization": "Token <Your Token>"},
HTTP Request
GET /trips/{trip_id}/
Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
trip_id | string | The ID of the trip |
Response example:
"created_at": "2021-11-01T16:59:00+0330",
"id": "b3951922-4f3e-43dc-a051-a9b765b2cbe7",
"state": "canceled_by_client",
"is_round_trip": false,
"picked_up_at": null,
"assigned_at": null,
"arrived_at": null,
"departed_at": null,
"area": {
"id": "3",
"name": "یوسف آباد"
"delivery_cost": null,
"courier": null,
"pickup": {
"address": "تهران، صادقیه، بلوار آیت الله کاشانی",
"deadline": "2021-11-01T20:42:00+0330",
"image": "",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.737004,
"longitude": 51.413569
"name": "رستوران بزرگمهر",
"phone_number": "09123456789"
"courses": [
"address": "تهران، خیابان استاد معین، پلاک ۱۲",
"bill_number": "DEL-119",
"dropped_off_at": null,
"id": "7484f530-5e3e-491d-8a4a-9432f6db01d6",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.737004,
"longitude": 51.413569
"manifest_items": [
"name": "پیتزا پپرونی خانواده",
"quantity": 2
"name": "test name",
"payment": {
"payment_type": "cash",
"price": 0
"phone_number": "09123456789",
"tracking_url": "!/7484f5305e",
"trip_id": "b3951922-4f3e-43dc-a051-a9b765b2cbe7",
"old_trip_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
"boost": {
"level": 1,
"amount": 1000
Response body is a serialized trip. For a detailed version of it take a look at the response body of Create Trip request.
Code | Description |
not_authenticated | Token is missing or invalid |
parse_error | The request body is not a valid JSON string (has syntax error) |
invalid_request_body | Request body does not follow the valid format |
record_not_found | A trip with the given ID does not belong to your client or doesn't exist at all |
List Trips
Returns list of your trips matching the given conditions.
Request example:
curl --location --request GET "$BASE_URL/trips/?area_id=2&state=pickup&bill_number=b1&bill_number=b3&from_datetime=2021-11-02T14:48:18+0330&to_datetime=2021-11-02T14:48:18+0330&offset=0&limit=10" \
--header "Authorization: Token <Your Token>"
import requests
params = [
('area_id', 2),
('state', 'pickup'),
('bill_number', 'b1'),
('bill_number', 'b3'),
('is_round_trip', False),
('from_datetime', '2021-11-02T14:48:18+0330'),
('to_datetime', '2021-11-02T14:48:18+0330'),
('offset', 0),
('limit', 10),
query = '&'.join([f'{k}={v}' for k, v in params])
headers={"Authorization": "Token <Your Token>"},
HTTP Request
GET /trips/
Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
area_id | number [integer] | Filter: The ID of the area of the pickup location. You can find list of available areas in the List Areas endpoint |
state | string | Filter: The state of the trip. Should be one of the states specified in Trip definition |
is_round_trip | boolean | Filter: Base on is_round_trip of trip |
bill_number | string | Filter: The bill_number of the courses in the trips. |
from_datetime | string [date-time] | Filter: Minimum acceptable value for trip's created_at field. This filter is inclusive |
to_datetime | string [date-time] | Filter: Maximum acceptable value for trip's created_at field. This filter is inclusive |
offset | number [integer] | Give results excluding the first offset number of objects |
limit | number [integer] | Give at most limit number of results. The default value is 100 |
Response example:
"data": [
"area": {
"id": "27",
"name": "پونک"
"assigned_at": null,
"arrived_at": null,
"departed_at": null,
"delivery_cost": null,
"courier": null,
"courses": [
"address": "هران، خیابان استاد معین، پلاک ۱۲",
"bill_number": "DEL-119",
"dropped_off_at": null,
"id": "3b0e8576-f802-44f5-8654-d65e11fd3035",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.753515,
"longitude": 51.332119
"manifest_items": [],
"name": "علی علوی",
"payment": {
"payment_type": "cash",
"price": 0
"phone_number": "09379187928",
"tracking_url": "!/3b0e8576f8",
"trip_id": "05fd0397-5a78-4852-98e7-9fbc310685c0",
"old_trip_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
"created_at": "2021-09-29T17:07:27+0330",
"id": "05fd0397-5a78-4852-98e7-9fbc310685c0",
"picked_up_at": null,
"pickup": {
"address": "تهران، صادقیه، بلوار آیت الله کاشانی",
"deadline": "2021-09-29T17:19:19+0330",
"image": "",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.753515,
"longitude": 51.332119
"name": "بزرگترین رستوران خاور میانه و حواشی آن تا اقیانوس اطلس",
"phone_number": "09379187928"
"state": "canceled_by_miare",
"is_round_trip": false,
"boost": {
"level": 1,
"amount": 1000
"next": "",
"previous": "",
"total_count": 35
Value | Type | Description |
data | array | List of trips matching the given query. Each object in this array is a serialized trip. For a detailed version of it take a look at the response body of Create Trip request. |
next | string [uri] (nullable) | The valid url to the next set of result with the same predicates. Will be null if there are no more objects left matching the given filters |
previous | string [uri] (nullable) | The valid url to the previous set of result with the same predicates. Will be null if there was no objects matching the given filters before this page |
total_count | number [integer] | The total number of objects matching the given filters (not only the items in this page) |
Code | Description |
not_authenticated | Token is missing or invalid |
Boost Levels
Returns the current valid boosting levels along with the corresponding price increase for each level in IRT.
Please note that boosting levels are dynamic and set by the commercial team, though they change infrequently. It is essential to periodically fetch them from this endpoint.
Boost levels always start at 1 and are continuous. If you see a level 3, levels 1 and 2 are also available.
Level 0 is not included in this list but can be used in requests and updates to cancel a boost.
Request example:
curl --location --request GET "$BASE_URL/boost_levels/" --header "Authorization: Token <Your Token>"
import requests
headers={"Authorization": "Token <Your Token>"},
HTTP Request
GET /boost_levels/
Response example:
"level": 1,
"amount": 1000
"level": 2,
"amount": 2000
"level": 3,
"amount": 3000
The response is an array of all the current available levels.
The details of the properties for each object are as follows:
Value | Type | Description |
level | int | Level of the boost. |
amount | int | The amount of the price increase for the trip at this level, in IRT. |
Code | Description |
not_authenticated | Token is missing or invalid |
Supports Integration
Base URL of staging servers for support services:
base_url = ""
Base URL of production servers for delivery services:
base_url = ""
Services related to reporting, responding, and getting information about issues.
List Problems
Returns list of Miare problems. Each issue
is categorized based on its problem
. API clients
should store a mapping
of Miare's problems and theirs.
Request example:
curl --location --request GET "$BASE_URL/problems/" \
--header "Authorization: Token <Your Token>"
import requests
headers={"Authorization": "Token <Your Token>"},
HTTP Request
GET /problems/
Response example:
"id": "728cfd38-3267-4bd0-bcec-c4fc904cebda",
"title": "مجموعه سفارش را به کوریر تحویل نداده است",
"reporter_type": "miare",
"description_required": false
"id": "728cfd38-3267-4bd0-bcec-c4fc904cebda",
"title": "مشتری سفارش را تحویل نگرفته است",
"reporter_type": "client",
"description_required": true
The response is an array of all the problems you may face in your webhook calls. The details about properties of each object is as follows:
Value | Type | Description |
id | string | Universally unique identifier of this problem |
title | string | The human readable title of the problem |
for_reporter_type | string | The reporter user type. Is one of the following values: "miare" "client". API clients are only allowed to report issues with problems of their own type |
description_required | boolean | Mentions if the issues reported for this problem are required to have description field |
Code | Description |
not_authenticated | Token is missing or invalid |
Report Issue
Creates an issue with given data.
Request example:
curl --location --request POST "$BASE_URL/issue/" \
--header 'Authorization: Token <Your Token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"trip_id": "b3951922-4f3e-43dc-a051-a9b765b2cbe7",
"problem_id": "728cfd38-3267-4bd0-bcec-c4fc904cebda"
import requests
data = {
"trip_id": "b3951922-4f3e-43dc-a051-a9b765b2cbe7",
"problem_id": "728cfd38-3267-4bd0-bcec-c4fc904cebda",
"description": None
base_url + "/issues/",
headers={"Authorization": "Token <Your Token>"},
HTTP Request
POST /issues/
Value | Type | Description |
trip_id | string (nullable) | The id of the trip in Miare services. could be null if course_id is provided |
course_id | string (nullable) | The id of the course in Miare services. could be null if trip_id is provided |
problem_id | string | The id of the problem for client reporter type in Miare services |
description | string (nullable) | The extra description in addition to problem, the nullability of this field depends on the description_required value of the problem. Max length for this field is 256 characters. |
note: both trip_id and course_id can NOT be null at the same time. if both are provided, trip_id will be considered and course_id will be ignored.
Response example:
"id": "ccba8f45-6ef6-409f-a1ee-453219aaa04f",
"trip_id": "b3951922-4f3e-43dc-a051-a9b765b2cbe7",
"problem_id": "728cfd38-3267-miare4bd0-bcec-c4fc904cebda",
"reported_at": "2021-11-01T18:44:19+0330",
"reporter_type": "client",
"resolved_at": null,
"resolver_type": null,
"resolve_description": null,
"picked_at": null,
"picker_type": null,
"state": "reported",
"messages": [
"id": "9ad24b31-8f1e-4c5e-b488-b715b2825792",
"created_at": "2021-11-02T14:48:18+0330",
"sender_type": "miare",
"type": "text",
"message": "سلام! پشتیبان میاره هستم. "
The success response is the serialized created issue. The details about properties of each object is as follows:
Value | Type | Description |
id | string | Universally unique identifier of this issue |
trip_id | string | Universally unique identifier of the trip that the issue is reported for |
problem_id | string | Universally unique identifier of the problem that the issue is categorized for |
reported_at | string [date-time] | The datetime that the issue is reported at |
reporter_type | string | The type of the reporter of the issue. Is one of the following values: "miare" "client". |
resolved_at | string [date-time] (nullable) | The datetime that the issue is resolved at. It is null for unresolved issues. |
resolve_description | string (nullable) | The description that is submitted about resolution of the issue. Max length for this field is 256 characters. It is null for unresolved issues. |
resolver_type | string (nullable) | The type of the reporter of the issue. Is one of the following values: "miare" "client" null. The value is null for unresolved issues. |
picked_at | string [date-time] (nullable) | The datetime that the issue has been picked by a staff. |
picker_type | string (nullable) | The type of the picker of the issue. Is one of the following values: "miare" "client" null. The value is null for issues that are waiting for pick. |
state | string | The current state of the issue. Is one of the following values: "reported" "picked" "resolved". You can find a description about each of these states here |
messages | array | List of messages relating to the issue | | string | Universally unique identifier of this message |
messages.type | string | The type of the message. Is one of the following values: "text" (Other message types will be supported in further versions) |
messages.created_at | string [date-time] | The datetime that the message is created in Miare system |
messages.sender_type | string | The type of the sender of the message. It is one of the following values: "miare" "client" |
messages.message | string | The body of this message. Max length for this field is 256 characters. |
Code | Description |
not_authenticated | Token is missing or invalid |
trip_not_ongoing | The trip is not in a situation to be able to accept new issues. Currently the trips requested before 3 hours from now are considered as not ongoing |
forbidden_problem | The relative problem of problem_id is not for_reporter_type of client |
description_required | The relative problem of problem_id is forcing description field on it's issues |
long_description | The description value of the request is longer than the defined limit |
List Issues
Returns list of issues of your trips matching the given conditions.
Request example:
curl --location --request GET "$BASE_URL/issues/?reporter_type=miare&picker_type=client&reported_from_datetime=2021-11-02T14:48:18+0330&reported_to_datetime=2021-11-02T14:48:18+0330&resolved=1&state=resolved&picked=0&trip_id=bf125e0a-840c-4f6f-80d0-f71db7406558&trip_id=0df33447-128c-41b3-bcbd-7eb36cf5e938&offset=0&limit=10" \
--header "Authorization: Token <Your Token>"
import requests
params = [
('reporter_type', 'miare'),
('picker_type', 'client'),
('reported_from_datetime', '2021-11-02T14:48:18+0330'),
('reported_to_datetime', '2021-11-02T14:48:18+0330'),
('resolved', 1),
('state', 'resolved'),
('picked', 0),
('trip_id', 'bf125e0a-840c-4f6f-80d0-f71db7406558'),
('trip_id', '0df33447-128c-41b3-bcbd-7eb36cf5e938'),
('offset', 0),
('limit', 10),
query = '&'.join([f'{k}={v}' for k, v in params])
headers={"Authorization": "Token <Your Token>"},
HTTP Request
GET /issues/
Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
reporter_type | string | Filter: The value of the user type that has reported the issue |
picker_type | string | Filter: The value of the user type that has picked the issue |
reported_from_datetime | string [date-time] | Filter: Minimum acceptable value for issue's reported_at field. This filter is inclusive |
reported_to_datetime | string [date-time] | Filter: Maximum acceptable value for issue's reported_at field. This filter is inclusive |
resolved | boolean | Filter: The value of issues's resolved_at comparing to null |
state | string | Filter: The value of issues's state . Acceptable values of state are available here |
picked | boolean | Filter: The value of issues's picked_at comparing to null |
trip_id | string | Filter: The value of the trip that the issue is reported for |
offset | number [integer] | Give results excluding the first offset number of objects |
limit | number [integer] | Give at most limit number of results. The default value is 100 |
Response example:
"data": [
"id": "ccba8f45-6ef6-409f-a1ee-453219aaa04f",
"trip_id": "b3951922-4f3e-43dc-a051-a9b765b2cbe7",
"problem_id": "728cfd38-3267-4bd0-bcec-c4fc904cebda",
"reported_at": "2020-11-02T14:48:18Z",
"reporter_type": "client",
"resolved_at": null,
"resolver_type": null,
"resolve_description": null,
"picked_at": null,
"picker_type": null,
"state": "reported",
"messages": [
"id": "9ad24b31-8f1e-4c5e-b488-b715b2825792",
"created_at": "2020-11-02T14:58:18Z",
"sender_type": "miare",
"type": "text",
"message": "سلام! پشتیبان میاره هستم. "
"next": "",
"previous": "",
"total_count": 35
Value | Type | Description |
data | array | List of issues matching the given query. Each object in this array is a serialized issue. For a detailed version of it take a look at the response body of Report Issue request. |
next | string [uri] (nullable) | The valid url to the next set of result with the same predicates. Will be null if there are no more objects left matching the given filters |
previous | string [uri] (nullable) | The valid url to the previous set of result with the same predicates. Will be null if there was no objects matching the given filters before this page |
total_count | number [integer] | The total number of objects matching the given filters (not only the items in this page) |
Code | Description |
not_authenticated | Token is missing or invalid |
Resolve Issue
Resolves an unresolved issue.
Request example:
curl --location --request POST "$BASE_URL/issue/{issue_id}/resolve/" \
--header 'Authorization: Token <Your Token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
data = {
"resolve_description": "سفارش تحویل کوریر داده شد. "
base_url + "/issues/{issue_id}/resolve/",
headers={"Authorization": "Token <Your Token>"},
HTTP Request
PATCH /issues/{issue_id}/resolve/
Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
issue_id | string | The ID of the issue to resolve |
Value | Type | Description |
resolve_description | string | The description required when resolving an issue. Max length for this field is 256 characters. |
Response example:
"id": "ccba8f45-6ef6-409f-a1ee-453219aaa04f",
"trip_id": "b3951922-4f3e-43dc-a051-a9b765b2cbe7",
"problem_id": "728cfd38-3267-4bd0-bcec-c4fc904cebda",
"reported_at": "2021-11-01T18:44:19+0330",
"reporter_type": "client",
"resolved_at": null,
"resolver_type": null,
"resolve_description": null,
"picked_at": null,
"picker_type": null,
"state": "reported",
"messages": []
The success response is the serialized updated issue. For a detailed version of it take a look at the response body of Report Issue request.
Code | Description |
not_authenticated | Token is missing or invalid |
resolved_issue | The issue is already resolved |
long_resolve_description | Teh resolve description value in the request is longer than the defined limit |
not_picked | The issue is reported by miare but not picked yet |
Pick Issue
Picks an issue that means the issue is being checked by the client.
Request example:
curl --location --request POST "$BASE_URL/issue/{issue_id}/pick/" \
--header 'Authorization: Token <Your Token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests
base_url + "/issues/{issue_id}/pick/",
headers={"Authorization": "Token <Your Token>"},
HTTP Request
PATCH /issues/{issue_id}/pick/
Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
issue_id | string | The ID of the issue to pick |
Response example:
"id": "ccba8f45-6ef6-409f-a1ee-453219aaa04f",
"trip_id": "b3951922-4f3e-43dc-a051-a9b765b2cbe7",
"problem_id": "728cfd38-3267-4bd0-bcec-c4fc904cebda",
"reported_at": "2021-11-01T18:44:19+0330",
"reporter_type": "client",
"resolved_at": null,
"resolver_type": null,
"resolve_description": null,
"picked_at": null,
"picker_type": null,
"state": "reported",
"messages": []
The success response is the serialized updated issue. For a detailed version of it take a look at the response body of Report Issue request.
Code | Description |
not_authenticated | Token is missing or invalid |
resolved_issue | The issue is already resolved |
picked_issue | The issue is already picked |
Append Message
Appends a new message to an unresolved issue.
Request example:
curl --location --request PATCH "$BASE_URL/issue/{issue_id}/messages/" \
--header 'Authorization: Token <Your Token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"message": "با مشتری نهایی تماس گرفته شد و گفتن که به لابی تحویل بدین"
import requests
data = {
"message": "با مشتری نهایی تماس گرفته شد و گفتن که به لابی تحویل بدین"
base_url + "/issues/{issue_id}/messages/",
headers={"Authorization": "Token <Your Token>"},
HTTP Request
PATCH /issues/{issue_id}/messages/
Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
issue_id | string | The ID of the issue to append the message to |
Value | Type | Description |
message | string | The body of the message to be sent.Max length for this field is 256 characters. |
Response example:
"id": "ccba8f45-6ef6-409f-a1ee-453219aaa04f",
"trip_id": "b3951922-4f3e-43dc-a051-a9b765b2cbe7",
"problem_id": "728cfd38-3267-4bd0-bcec-c4fc904cebda",
"reported_at": "2021-11-01T18:44:19+0330",
"reporter_type": "client",
"resolved_at": null,
"resolver_type": null,
"resolve_description": null,
"picked_at": null,
"picker_type": null,
"state": "reported",
"messages": [
"id": "9c212393-8ac3-4917-ac7a-844f76c361f2",
"created_at": "2021-11-01T18:46:19+0330",
"type": "text",
"message": "با مشتری نهایی تماس گرفته شد و گفتن که به لابی تحویل بدین",
"sender_type": "client"
The success response is the serialized created issue. For a detailed version of it take a look at the response body of Report Issue request.
Code | Description |
not_authenticated | Token is missing or invalid |
resolved_issue | The issue is already resolved |
long_message | The message value of the request is longer than the defined limit |
Base URL of staging servers for area services:
base_url = ""
Base URL of production servers for delivery services:
base_url = ""
Services related to getting information about working areas.
List Areas
Returns list of Miare areas and your usage of concurrency in each area.
Request example:
curl --location --request GET "$BASE_URL/areas" \
--header "Authorization: Token <Your Token>"
import requests
headers={"Authorization": "Token <Your Token>"},
HTTP Request
GET /areas/
Response example:
"id": 27,
"max_ongoing_trips": 20,
"name": "پونک",
"ongoing_trips": 8,
"polygon": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
[51.3318602487183, 35.7511077950424],
[51.3329908968811, 35.7402265889212],
[51.3408319127502, 35.7456830619354],
[51.3318602487183, 35.7511077950424]
The response is an array of all of the active areas in the Miare whether you have any trips or concurrency in it or not. The details about properties of each objects is as follows:
Value | Type | Description |
id | number [integer] | The constant identifier of the area |
name | string | The human readable name of the area |
ongoing_trips | number [integer] | The number of trips currently active trips in this area. |
max_ongoing_trips | number [integer] | Your concurrency limit in this area at this shift |
polygon | object | A valid Polygon object |
polygon.type | string | GeoJson feature type. Its value is always "Polygon" |
polygon.coordinates | array | Coordinates of the points forming the exterior ring of the polygon. |
Code | Description |
not_authenticated | Token is missing or invalid |
Base URL of staging servers for accounting services:
base_url = ""
Base URL of production servers for accounting services:
base_url = ""
Accounting related services.
Estimate Price
Request example:
curl --location --request GET "$BASE_URL/estimate/price/?source=35.764090,51.331956&destination=35.767832,51.335135" \
--header "Authorization: Token <Your Token>"
import requests
params = {
'source': '35.764090,51.331956',
'destination': '35.767832,51.335135',
query = '&'.join([f'{k}={v}' for k, v in params.items()])
headers={"Authorization": "Token <Your Token>"},
Estimates the delivery cost of the course based on the distance between the given source and destination.
HTTP Request
GET /estimate/price/
Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
source | string | Latitude and Longitude of the source of the course. The order matters |
destination | string | Latitude and Longitude of the destination of the course. The order matters |
Response example:
"price": 5000,
"status": "ok",
"area_coverage": true
Value | Type | Description |
price | number [integer] | The estimated cost of the course's delivery |
status | string | The human readable status of the request |
area_coverage | boolean | Check if the source location is within the Miare areas or not. |
Code | Description |
not_authenticated | Token is missing or invalid |
invalid | The given query params are not valid |
Other than services above which are exposed endpoints by Miare servers, we support a callback system to push events to your severs as they occur.
In order to use this service, you need to provide us with a valid URL, pointing to your servers, waiting for HTTP requests.
Authentication header:
Authorization: Token 8357c002a28512f778cab11a425ff91a7d3483d1
All requests made from our servers to yours, carry the Authorization
header. The value of this
is your token prefixed with a Token
Version header:
X-Miare-API-Version: 2
At this moment, we only support the latest version of API (v2). But there is a version included in
all of requests made
by our servers with the key X-Miare-API-Version
and value of 2
We ignore the response body of the request made to your servers but expect a 2XX
response code.
In case of a 5XX
error from your servers we'll retry the request up to 5 times. There will be a 5 seconds cooldown
between each pair of
Trip Events
Request Body
Request example:
"event": "added",
"trip": {
"area": {
"id": "3",
"name": "یوسف آباد"
"assigned_at": null,
"arrived_at": null,
"departed_at": null,
"courier": null,
"courses": [
"address": "تهران، خیابان استاد معین، پلاک ۱۲",
"bill_number": "DEL-119",
"dropped_off_at": null,
"id": "0f662083-284e-4729-b34d-2479bd7b558a",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.737004,
"longitude": 51.413569
"manifest_items": [
"name": "پیتزا پپرونی خانواده",
"quantity": 2
"name": "علی علوی",
"payment": {
"payment_type": "cash",
"price": 0
"phone_number": "09123456789",
"tracking_url": "!/0f66208328",
"trip_id": "4f3d252a-ebbc-4147-b6e8-aba9b64200f3",
"old_trip_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
"created_at": "2021-11-10T17:35:14+0330",
"id": "4f3d252a-ebbc-4147-b6e8-aba9b64200f3",
"picked_up_at": null,
"pickup": {
"address": "تهران، صادقیه، بلوار آیت الله کاشانی",
"deadline": "2021-11-10T21:06:00+0330",
"image": "",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.737004,
"longitude": 51.413569
"name": "رستوران بزرگمهر",
"phone_number": "09123456789"
"state": "assign_queue",
"is_round_trip": false,
"boost": {
"level": 1,
"amount": 1000
Value | Type | Description |
event | string | The constant identifier of the event |
trip | object | The affected trip. This is a serialized trip. For a detailed version of it take a look at the response body of Create Trip request. |
There are 10 trip events each of which make a request to your server with one the following strings as the event and a serialized trip.
Event | Description |
added | Trip has been successfully created |
assigned | Trip has been assigned to a courier |
course_added | A new course has been added to the trip |
course_deleted | A course has been deleted from the trip |
picked_up | Courier picked up the packages from the source of the trip |
course_dropped_off | Courier dropped off a package at one of the destinations of one of courses of the trip |
delivered | Trip has been ended successfully |
canceled_by_client | Trip has been cancelled by client (you) |
canceled_by_miare | Trip has been cancelled by Miare (our support team) |
returning | Trip state changed to returning |
canceled_by_delay | Trip has been cancelled by Miare due to fulfillment delay from your side |
Course Events
Request Body
Request example:
"event": "course_added__course",
"course": {
"address": "تهران، خیابان استاد معین، پلاک ۱۲",
"bill_number": "DEL-119",
"dropped_off_at": null,
"id": "0f662083-284e-4729-b34d-2479bd7b558a",
"location": {
"latitude": 35.737004,
"longitude": 51.413569
"manifest_items": [
"name": "پیتزا پپرونی خانواده",
"quantity": 2
"name": "علی علوی",
"payment": {
"payment_type": "cash",
"price": 0
"phone_number": "09123456789",
"tracking_url": "!/0f66208328",
"trip_id": "4f3d252a-ebbc-4147-b6e8-aba9b64200f3",
"old_trip_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
Value | Type | Description |
event | string | The constant identifier of the event |
course | object | The affected course. This is a serialized course. For a detailed version of it take a look at the response body of Create Trip request. |
There is one course event that makes a request to your server with one the following string as the event and a serialized course.
Event | Description |
course_added__course | Course has been added to a trip |
Issue Events
Request Body
Request example:
"event": "issue_added",
"issue": {
"id": "ccba8f45-6ef6-409f-a1ee-453219aaa04f",
"trip_id": "b3951922-4f3e-43dc-a051-a9b765b2cbe7",
"problem_id": "728cfd38-3267-miare4bd0-bcec-c4fc904cebda",
"reported_at": "2021-11-01T18:44:19+0330",
"reporter_type": "client",
"resolved_at": null,
"resolver_type": null,
"resolve_description": null,
"picked_at": null,
"picker_type": null,
"state": "reported",
"messages": [
"id": "9ad24b31-8f1e-4c5e-b488-b715b2825792",
"created_at": "2021-11-02T14:48:18+0330",
"sender_type": "miare",
"type": "text",
"message": "سلام! پشتیبان میاره هستم"
Value | Type | Description |
event | string | The constant identifier of the event. |
issue | object | The affected issue. This is a serialized issue. For a detailed version of it take a look at the response body of Report Issue request. |
There are some issue events each of which make a request to your server with one the following strings as the event and a serialized issue.
Event | Description |
issue_added | Issue has been created |
issue_picked | Issue has been picked |
issue_message_added | A new message has been added to the issue |
issue_resolved | The issue has been resolved |